
Here you can find some of the animations that I have done for various clients.

Animation deals with giving life to static images - this is the reason why in many of the book trailers below I've had the occasion to animate the original illustrations to these books. Sometimes I have the opportunity to use my own artwork - depending on the situation...

A short montage of clips from some of my animations - you can watch the full versions below...

Zwiastuny książek – VI konkurs literacki im. Astrid Lindgren 2024


Zwiastun książki „Porozmawiajmy o sztuce, Tygrysie!” – ilustracje: Magdalena Kozieł–Nowak, a także Henri Rousseau, Diego Velasquez, Vincent Van Gogh Vassily Kandinsky i nieznany malarz renesansowy… Animacja: Mikołaj Kamler

Raz na cztery lata, Fundacja Cała Polska Czyta Dzieciom organizuje konkurs literacki, w którym oprócz pieniędzy nagrodą jest możliwość wydania nagrodzonej książki przez jednego z uczestniczących w konkursie wydawców. Na tę okoliczność już kolejny raz zostałem zaproszony przez Fundację do stworzenia animowanych trailerów dla tych książek. Poniżej kilka z nich, wszystkie można znaleźć na kanale YouTube Fundacji Cała Polska Czyta Dzieciom:

„Mała wiedźma Bazylka” – Ilustracje: Elżbieta Wasiuczyńska, animacja: Mikołaj Kamler

„Formuła Elli” – Ilustracje i animacja: Mikołaj Kamler

„Zaplątani w sieci” – Ilustracje i animacja: Mikołaj Kamler

Marek Biliński – Życie jest muzyką


Marek Biliński – pionier polskiej muzyki elektronicznej. Podczas produkcji filmu „Marek Biliński – Życie jest muzyką”, którego jest on głównym bohaterem, do mnie należało stworzenie krótkich animowanych sekwencji, które urozmaiciłyby materię dokumentu. Większą część tych animacji stanowiły „ożywione” zdjęcia z życia artysty, ale było też – co można obejrzeć poniżej – kilka zadań bardziej… oryginalnych.
Fragment czołówki ( zdjęcia makro: Piotr Smoleński; vfx i animacja: Mikołaj Kamler )

Animowana historyjka o tym, jak to Moog trafił na polską wieś 🙂

Przykładowa animacja zdjęcia z filmu.

Kto ma ochotę obejrzeć cały dokument Grzegorza Brzozowicza, może go znaleźć na VOD Telewizji Polskiej.

  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Muzyka: Marek Biliński
  • Client: Narodowe Centrum Kultury

Intro to a documentary series

Series about the Studio Filmów Rysunkowych (Animated Film Studio) in Bielsko-Biała


For this series, I have created not only the animated intro, but also some short animations for each of the episodes. I've also done some of the editing and compositing of the series.
  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Studio Filmów Rysunkowych

Kukliński - how a Polish officer saved the world


This project is the biggest that I have single-handedly worked on so far. I was commissioned by the National Centre of Culture to create an animated film based on a children's book written and illustrated by Wojciech Sobolewski Kukliński – jak polski oficer świat uratował. ( Kukliński - how a Polish officer saved the world ). Converting these illustrations, more akin to posters, to animation - and making a 30 minute film out of them - was a real challenge and a lot of hard work. In the end, I managed to make somthing I'm still happy with, but also learned a lot in the process.
  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler ( based on the book by Wojciech Sobolewski )
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Wojciech Sobolewski
  • Music: Jerzy Milian
  • Client: Narodowe Centrum Kultury

Book Trailers

The Magician's Apprentice


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Zuzanna Orlińska, Mikołaj Kamler
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Wydawnictwo Literatura

What do the dinosaurs do?


Emilia Dziubak's stunning illustrations were so much fun to animate...

  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Emilia Dziubak
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia

A wild book about boars


Animating illustrations starts usually with cutting into pieces in Photoshop. The author of the beautiful illustrations in this book actually cut them out of different kinds of paper...

Animating this was fun - but not as much as adding the boar "voiceovers" to the movie...

  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Jola Richter-Magnuszewska
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia

Mythology atlas


I created the cover of this book - along with some of the illustrations - myself. In the bok trailer I combined them with the artworks of the other illustrators who have worked on this project.

  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Joanna Mosińska, Elżbieta Moyski, Beata Żurawska, Jadwiga Żelazny, Ola Maciejewska, Ola Krzanowska, Mikołaj Kamler
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Wydawnictwo Greg

The Mystery of Chopin's Ghost


The fifth part of the children mystery series "The Detectives from Mysterious st. 5", illustrated by Agata Raczyńska

  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Agata Raczyńska
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia

The letter book


An alphabet book with beautiful illustrations crocheted ( yes! ) by Anna Salamon - a pleasure to animate...

  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Anna Salamon
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia

Ale kosmos! To znowu Bodzio i Pulpet


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Daniel De Latour
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia

Don't be afraid! A book about fear


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Lukáš Urbánek, Jakub Kaše
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia

Dusia i Psinek-Świnek


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Marta Kurczewska
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia



  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Marta Krzywicka
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia

The Mystery of the Mutinous Robot


Animating mutinous robots drawn by Agata Raczyńska was a real fun!

  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Agata Raczyńska
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia

Mieszko, ty wikingu!


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Artur Nowicki
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia

Zosia from Cat Street


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Agata Raczyńska
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia

The 104-Storey Treehouse


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Terry Denton
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia

Zula i tajemnica Arlety Makaron


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Agnieszka Antoniewicz
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia

Women - researchers, champions, adventuresses


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Karolina Matyjaszkowicz
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia

The Mystery of the Mice Queen


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Agata Raczyńska
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia

The Mystery of the Vampire's Grave


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Agata Raczyńska
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia

The Mystery of the Stolen Gem


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Agata Raczyńska
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia

Wielki powrót detektywa Pozytywki


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Piotr Rychel
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia

Zula i porwanie Kropka


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Agnieszka Antoniewicz
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Nasza Księgarnia



  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Daniel de Latour
  • Client: Narodowe Centrum Kultury

Pestka, drops, cukierek


This is not really a book trailer, but an ad for a tabletop game - though one based on a book...

  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Granna

Z Bożej łaski Jadwiga, król


Sometimes the book has no illustrations (or the publisher doesn’t need me to use them) – this gives me more creative freedom. This was the case of the trailer for a story taking place in 15th century Poland, in the court of queen Jadwiga:

  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: public domain
  • Client: Wydawnictwo Literatura

Biały teatr panny Nehemias


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: photos from the Karta and NAC archives
  • Client: Wydawnictwo Literatura

Astrid Lindgren Awards

The following are book trailers presenting the books nominated for the Astrid Lindgren awards, an event organised every five years by the foundation Cała Polska Czyta Dzieciom.

Wstydu za grosz!


Again - a book without illustrations, so I've had complete creative freedom...

  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Cała Polska Czyta Dzieciom

Summer on RODOS


Again, this book isn't illustrated - so I have to do it myself.

  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Cała Polska Czyta Dzieciom

Gwiazda z pierwszego piętra


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Cała Polska Czyta Dzieciom

Tam, gdzie zawracają bociany


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Cała Polska Czyta Dzieciom

Selfie ze stolemem


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Zosia Dzierżawska
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Cała Polska Czyta Dzieciom

Gucio na tropie zaginionej świnki morskiej


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Anna Simeone
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Cała Polska Czyta Dzieciom

Hebanowe serce


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Maciej Szymanowicz
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Cała Polska Czyta Dzieciom

Teatr niewidzialnych dzieci


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Emilia Dziubak
  • Music: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Cała Polska Czyta Dzieciom

Niedokończony eliksir nieśmiertelności


  • Script: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Animation: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Editing: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Illustrations: Mikołaj Kamler
  • Client: Cała Polska Czyta Dzieciom


The three clips below are something different, as they were made not to sell books, but to commemorate the 1050th anniversary of the baptism of Poland. There were twelve clips, every one was about the influence of this event on one aspect of Polish history (the one included here is about art)

Sometimes – when I have some free time, I make animated cards, mostly with Christmas or Easter greetings: